• +233 20 798 8167

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your questions answered today

How Can I get an admission form?

Please visit any of our school campuses in person or fill an online application form today. Please call or WhatsApp us on : +233 207 988 167

How Do I pay my ward's fees?

School fees should be paid into the school’s bank accounts at NIB, Winneba Road Branch (account no. 1123038733501) or CAL Bank, Weija (account no. 1400002150036) and the pay-in slips submitted at the school’s account office. Please note that SAIS does not accept personal cheques for payment of school fees.

Is your school accredited or certified?

SAIS is a certified Cambridge school and a Partner School at the British Council.

Are children allowed to bring gadgets to school?

SAIS has zero tolerance of learners coming to school with Cell phones/ I Pods/ tablets or any other electronic equipment. Any such gadget found on any student will be confiscated.

How do I get textbooks and workbooks for my ward?

Textbooks and workbooks used at SAIS are published by Cambridge University Press and are fully endorsed for full syllabus coverage. Other Cambridge approved books are used to support the curriculum. Cost of textbooks, workbooks, graph books and exercise books are factored into school fees. Every learner will be provided with the required books by the school. Learners are however required to come to school each day with their own writing and measuring materials.

What is your school curriculum based on?

The educational bedrock of our schools curriculum are • Christianity • Academic • Personal Development • Culture • Sport • Environment & community

What curriculum do children follow at the Nursery level?

The core of SAIS early stage of education’s curriculum focuses on the child and believes that children are curious, active and competent learners. The principles will begin with an integrated approach to learning which is facilitated by the teacher using purposeful play and quality interactions to enable children to construct knowledge and move towards holistic development.